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My husband used to give me constant crap about not writing. I used to love to write and tell stories, but I just didn’t feel I had anything to write about. I figured I would show him and start blogging, but the blog just sat for over two years untouched. On July 26, 2014, he passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving me as a 35 year old widow. I am going to try this blogging thing again but instead make it about the only thing on my mind, him.

10 thoughts on “About

  1. I can identify with you because my husband would harass me about writing as well. He knew that was the one thing I had always wanted to do but I felt as though I never had anything interesting to say. Then suddenly I did because I wanted to talk about him, and how it feels to navigate a life without him.


    • Exactly, when I decided to write I thought this is exactly what he would want me to be doing. I hate that we can relate to each other because this situation is just horrible, but I find some comfort when I know people out there CAN relate. Thank you for your comment.


  2. First and foremost, I am so sorry for your loss. I am older than you and had my husband with me longer, but it’s never long enough, is it?
    Thank you for the follow – and I shall return the favor and follow you. Please keep writing.. It helps.


  3. Howdy Doodily thank you for following me and I too look forward to reading and sharing your insights in this whirlwind of emotion assigned especially to grief. MWAH xxx


  4. I’m also sorry for your loss. It does suck, whether we’ve had one day with him or 50 years! Loss is loss! Keep up the writing though. That helped me so much to work through the grief and all the strange feelings that come with it! Thanks for the follow my friend:-)


  5. Sounds like a great way to honor him and to do your grief work! I too was a young widow and although I didn’t write at the time, my blog looks back at what happened to me and what I learned in the last 24 years as I moved forward. I write about all types of loss but I hope you will find hope and healing from my posts about having been a 29 yr. widow. Blessings to you on your journey through grief…it is a long, arduous process but one that brings gifts as well.


  6. I’m 34 and in the same boat. Well kinda, cuz we are all different in our loss. It’s been 11 months now and it’s never easy.


  7. I am not a widow, and I found your blog quite by chance through someone else’s blog. I was curious about your title, and once I read a few of your entries, I was caught up in your very real and sad story. I am so sorry for your loss–I can’t imagine what it is like for you. You write very well, and I hope blogging your way forward will continue to bring you some expression of all you are living through. My best wishes to you, Mary.


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